Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Goodbye Carlo.

Dear Diary, Carlo sat beside me today, he's so cute taken. *sobs in the corner*

Friday, August 16, 2013

Time out...

Dear Diary, 

Today, I messed up! I didn't mean any harm towards that person. I feel bad. I want to undo stuff and I just can't. I wish I am one of the characters in Once Upon a Time - cast a spell and it's done. I don't know what to do, waaaah! I want to go somewhere I am unknown. I want to give an explanation, but I will not even get a chance. Am I being too paranoid!? I am paranoid. I don't know, I really don't know. Am I over analyzing what can happen? Yes! I hate this feeling, I hate my mind when I over think. I will be judged by a single honest mistake... but I hope not. I need a time out but must continue living. So help me God!

Monday, August 05, 2013

Secret to becoming FAB unveiled - No Pain, Yes Gain

Dear Kayen: I want to look fab like you. Care to share? - Issa

Dear Issa: I'm so glad you asked. The answer is very easy. I'm giving you 21-day challenge and after that you will look fabulous without pain.

Day 1 AM: Thank the Lord for a new day. Eat doughnut. Satisfying that craving will make you happy and it will reflect in your work - smiling while doing IRFs.

Day 1 NN: Eat rice. You worked hard in the morning, you deserve it. After that you can eat McFlurry as your dessert. There's a new strawberry flavor, looks yummy! Now you are ready to finish pending works.

Day 1 AFTIE: Grab some chips. You've had too much sugar, you need some salt. Balance - you know! Of course it is best eaten with soda on the side.

Day 1 PM: Eat whatever is served at home. You do not want to make your mom or your dad feel bad for ignoring what they cooked. Eat together with them, laugh, and share stories that happened during the day.

Day 1 PM(2): The time before you sleep, you can eat chocolate. You'll sleep happy. Thank the Lord for a beautiful day that passed.

Drink plenty of water during the day, warm or hot doesn't matter. I think probiotics are safe and vitamins are good (Google it and decide). Walk when you get a chance. Exercise (without killing yourself) not because you want to be skinny (and look older) but because I told you so, you're asking right!?

There! Do that for 21 days! You can experiment. Eat burgers, pasta, pizza, cake, and the like. The secret is being happy inside and it will reflect outside. You will look younger everyday. SMILE!

I bet you'll standout in BORA with your big belly! But you will look vibrant and people will be drawn to you!

But I confess that I do have bad sleeping habits - working on it. Imagine if I have that fixed!

[PS: Please add LOL to each sentence I wrote because laughing is very important. Life is short, being anything negative makes it shorter] BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Please keep this top secret ;)))