Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Ain't Over!

It's July 1st. It means 2014 is half over. Normally I do some evaluation at the end of the year or beginning of the year. But today it's different. A lot has happened the six months and I'm afraid the memories are starting to fade. :( Too many, my poor memory can't handle.

(Trivia: I have a bad memory thus I have kept a diary but then came blogger and then
twitter and instagram hahaha. I always imagine that I will have an amnesia when I grow old and these stuff will help me remember. That's if I would remember my login account :P Again, the reason why they are public lol.

So the six months... Whoa! It was a roller coaster ride of emotions!!!! I never imagined it will be like that. Well, I am always expectant of better things to come every year, every day. God has been so faithful to me and sometimes it's overwhelming! Like God do I deserve all of these! Oh God is the sweetest. Believe me. =)

But there were countless times when I question him. Why God? Why would you let me be too happy and then suddenly take that happiness away, instantly! Are you crazy? God you are pissing me off. Come on God you can do better than that. Aren't you tired seeing me cry?! Yes! That's how I talk with God hahaha. And then  it'll end with God I'm sorry, I'm just frustrated, I'm depressed. I can't do anything but I know you can! Then I will be OK. And the next day, I will not be. Bipolar, huh? :P

I will not write in detail what happened in January until June. As I've said, too many. It's late and I have work tomorrow :P But one of these days, I should, before I totally forgot. Beautiful places, beautiful people who have touched and influenced me in the way I least expect. I'm excited to look back and share it. For now, I will enjoy life and try to help people around me, inspire them and make them happy... even a bit! =)