Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Just one

1 Starbucks planner for only a cup of frap! How?!? I went to the SB counter, ordered the coffee. With the power of persuasion like Eden Mccain's (HEROES), I yelled at the lady, "give me my starbucks planner" and right away I had one! Not true of course, it was just my imagination (running away with me)!=p

I have no interest of collecting 24 stickers for the planner. I'm just not into it. I am so fine with my mobile phone's calendar for reminders. Besides, my schedule isn't too tight to have every hour event of my life written in paper. :) I guess, to some, it isn't about planning but plainly collecting. Still, not my type of collection.

But how I got mine? Let's say there are "Starbucksholic" around. My friend is one of them. He has completed the first set and already has his own. After knowing that if I buy 1, he'll be able to complete the 2nd set, I didn't have a second thought when he offered it to me. Very rewarding for me hahaha! Thanks ever_kulit! The planner would take so much space in my bag and won't be able to bring it everyday but it's nice and super worth a cup. Hopefully, they would create not a bulky one next time, pero hindi pa din ako magcocollect!;p

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