Monday, January 02, 2012

Wrap up of the year that was!

My 2011 did not start that good. Midyear came and all I can see were days lost. It is the feeling of dragging yourself to face another day and let it pass without any satisfaction about it. It was rough but I tell you guys, it ended perfectly! Because when God moves, it is always too marvelous for words! I will remember 2011 as a year of increase!!!

Here are some areas in my life where increase is evident. Let me start off with my relationships. I have lost contact with few friends but have gained more friendships along the way! My Facebook timeline even says I have added 174 friends, lol! That’s a bunch of connection out there!

Say 5% of them to support you everyday isn’t bad, right!? Now it’s for me to nurture those relationships and keep them intact and strong! I still believe that the best investment in life is investment in people, in relationships. So more investments for 2012, more people to inspire, influence, and bless! Whoooo!

I also thank God in the area of finances. Jehovah Jireh is real. He provides for our needs, he provides abundantly! On my previous blog, I’ve shared how I landed a new job therefore a salary increase for me! Yep, my cost-of-living increased as well. As one of my colleagues said, increase in salary also increases the expenses.  But that does not invalidate the fact that you are blessed with more. Now it’s for me to become a good steward and faithful with what is entrusted to me.

Lastly, I’ve gained, drum roll please….. tada… I’ve gained weight! Hahaha! As a consolation, people say it’s good on me but I don’t buy that 100%. Now it’s for me to monitor the food I eat. Because at the end of the day, it’s not about being thin or fat but being healthy for the people you love. Weh! Sana lang hindi ko na payamanin ang KFC or McDO! :P

A new year has begun and I leave you with this - Forget what lies behind. Reach toward what lies ahead. HAPPY 2012!!!

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