Tuesday, November 20, 2007

My Dad has reached 50!

Wohow just imagine all the experiences he's got! 28 more years for me to reach that age and that's more than the years I have existed on earth.

My dad turned 50 last November 12 but we celebrated it the day before so our family friends and relatives working on weekdays could be with us. Preparation didn't seem less, thanks to my aunts and uncles who were "on call" and responded immediately! Thanks also to my mom's sister in her generous heart, sent money in addition for the food cost. To all who greeted my dad, thanks to you. Let me be my dad's spokesperson for this ^-^ Pictures to be uploaded soon.

The first paragraph of this entry isn't complete yet. (Oh, never mind the syntax or right way of organizing them, and my english teachers have nothing to with this alright, haha). Here's the continuation.

Looking at my 22 years of existence. I thought, I went through a lot already.
I've had experienced victories, failures, trials, sorrows and blisses. But reaching the golden age is still a long journey. So how many more trials to conquer and how many more victories to celebrate? I appreciate the latter but hardly the trials.

I thought that receiving my university diploma was it! But it's just the beginning. You look for a job and when you have one, you find reasons to stay motivated on the job. My dad is working for nearly 30 years now (and tell you, it's just one company he works with), how did he do that?! And me, only a year and four months hahaha and sometimes I wanna quit. I'm somehow earning for myself and budgeting isn't easy. How much more when you're raising a family? I could write more of the things I anticipate. Therefore, can I say that I haven't gone through a lot yet? May be the question does not matter.

But one thing, i am confident even am not sure how long or short my journey here would be because my life was written already. All I have to do is ask God continuously to strengthen my faith and believe that a victorious future lies ahead:)

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