Friday, June 04, 2010

can't even think of one

I want to blog again but I don't know where to start or even how to start maybe. It's been years that I have been accustomed to writing in 140 characters or less. And for me exceeding that limit is a lot of writing already! Ha! Well some say it's a skill. It's a TALENT, it's an ART - for you to convey your message slash feelings in that limited characters of post. But it's alarming at least for me, because not only do I lose the enthusiasm of writing in its real sense, but It gets me feeling bored when reading long posts as well.

Perhaps I should try blogging with a core topic like what my real blogger friends do. They were there when I started and they are still here! :)  I am not promising anything but I'm challenging myself in this. Best of luck to me ☺

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